No one likes getting bitten by a dog, and it can be especially distressing if the bite causes serious injuries. If that is the case, you will need a personal injury lawyer Elmhurst Illinois to help you with your claim. Contact Carlson Bier Associates today at 312-622-2900 for a consultation.
In Illinois, there are rules that apply to both the owner of an aggressive dog and the victim of its bite. If you’ve been bitten by a dog in Illinois, here’s what you should know about your rights under state law.
Seek Medical Attention
If you have been bitten by a dog, the most important thing is getting medical attention right away. You need to get the injury treated and they need to determine whether or not there are any long-term effects on your health due directly from having been bitten by the dog.
A study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found that during one recent year, dog bites accounted for:
- 316,200 emergency department (ED) visits (866 per day)
- 9,500 hospital stays (26 per day).
In addition, they have tracked the most common dog bite injuries. They are
- Skin and tissue infections
- Open wounds on the extremities
- Open wounds on the head and neck (especially in children)
- Fractures
- Connective tissue disease
Rabies, MRSA, Tetanus, and Pasteurella are also side effects of dog bites. Seeking medical attention and keeping those records is important to filing your claim. You will need all that documentation for your personal injury lawyer Elmhurst Illinois.
Report the attack
It is not a requirement to report a dog bite or attack to the police. However, in Illinois you have two years to file a claim, so making the report right away will ensure all your options are open. You should file a police report to make sure the attack is documented.
In addition, you want to contact your local animal control administrator in the county where you were bitten. They have the authority to ensure that the dog sees the vet within 24 hours and that they are quarantined in the meantime.
Once you have reported the attack, you can bring the documents to your personal injury lawyer Elmhurst Illinois. At Carlson Bier, our attorneys will get you a settlement that covers your short and long term medical care and any other damages.
Contact a personal injury lawyer Elmhurst Illinois
If you’ve been bitten by a dog, you can sue the owner of that dog. In most cases only severe injuries are enough for compensation. For example, you may have a claim if there’s been a broken bone or other serious injury requiring surgery or hospitalization. Also, if you’ve gotten an infection caused by an open wound (like tetanus) lasting more than ten days after being bitten, you may have a claim.
Also, if the dog had a history of aggression and was acting aggressively when it bit or injured you, then that could be considered a criminal act on behalf of the owner.
If you believe you have a case, consult with our personal injury attorney Elmhurst Illinois, who can help guide you through filing suit against those responsible for their actions and injuries caused by them.
Carlson Bier has the experience and passion to pursue justice for you
If you are injured by a dog in Illinois, you may be able to recover economic damages such as medical bills and lost wages, as well as non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. A personal injury lawyer Elmhurst Illinois will help you navigate through the legal system and make sure that your rights are protected.
At Carlson Bier we have represented numerous clients who have been injured due to animal bites or attacks and gotten them substantial settlements. Contact us today for a consultation and to start moving forward with your claim.