If you have been injured in a truck accident, then it is important to contact an experienced trucking accident lawyer Schaumburg Illinois right away. Trucking companies are responsible for ensuring that their drivers and vehicles are operated safely, so they should be held accountable when accidents happen.
In addition to the driver of the vehicle being held responsible, there could also be liability on the part of the company that owns and operates it if they failed to properly supervise their employees or provide adequate training. The attorneys at Carlson Bier have extensive experience with these types of claims, so call us for a consultation at 312-622-2900.
Who is responsible?
If you have been injured in a truck accident, you may be wondering who is responsible. Typically, trucking companies are liable for any accidents caused by their drivers and trucks. They also must ensure that their cargo is properly secured and cannot shift while traveling down the road, which can cause serious injury when it shifts during an accident or sudden stop.
Trucking companies should make sure that roads are safe for travel before sending vehicles down them. If they don’t do this job properly and someone gets hurt because of poor road conditions (like potholes), then they could face lawsuits from victims as well as fines from government agencies like the Department of Transportation (DOT).
If you believe a trucking company is responsible for an accident and your injuries, contact an experienced trucking accident lawyer Schaumburg Illinois to pursue compensation.
The owner of the trucking company can also be held liable. If you are injured in an accident involving a commercial vehicle, the owner of the trucking company may have to pay your medical bills and other damages.
The role of the truck driver
In addition to the company that owns the truck, you can also sue the driver if they were operating it in a negligent fashion. The law holds that drivers are responsible for their own actions and those of any employees or independent contractors who work for them.
The driver may have been speeding, driving too fast for conditions, or following too closely behind another vehicle. Or perhaps they failed to brake when it was necessary, drove drunk or under the influence, or were distracted by cell phones or other devices.
If a driver is found to be negligent, they can be held responsible. A trucking accident lawyer Schaumburg Illinois can do a thorough investigation and help determine who is at fault. Once they have done so, the lawyers of Carlson Bier can make recommendations for the best legal course of action.
Role of insurance companies
A trucking company can be held liable for an accident if it is determined that they were at fault. However, if you are injured by a truck that is owned by a third party and that company has an insurance policy, then the insurance company will be liable for your damages.
In Illinois it is required that drivers have liability coverage. The trucking company and owner also have to have coverage. If they do have coverage and you have been seriously injured in an accident caused by one of their drivers, then filing suit against them may be necessary in order to obtain compensation for medical expenses and other losses related to your injuries.
You need to contact an experienced trucking accident lawyer Schaumburg Illinois as soon as possible after any accident
You need to contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible after any accident involving a large trucking company in order to ensure that your rights are protected. The trucking accident lawyer Schaumburg Illinois at the law offices of Carlson Bier Associates are experienced and passionate. Contact us today for a consultation.