
Farva B. Jafri

Personal Injury Attorney

Of Counsel

Farva B. Jafri

I believe that a lawyer has an exceptional role in society. In general, lawyers play a part in making laws, evaluating laws, and defending the laws. I feel this a great deal of power for attorneys to have.
For that reason, it is incredibly important that lawyers take their job seriously. For that reason, it is imperative that lawyers do everything in their power to protect their clients. And for that reason, as your personal injury lawyer, I will work relentlessly to protect your rights and pursue justice on your behalf.


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University of Illinois College of Law

Juris Doctor, Masters of Business Administration 2015

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University of Southern California

Masters of Public Heath, 2012

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New York University

Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies, 2009

"Protecting your rights and pursuing justice is my mission as your personal injury lawyer"

What inspires me to be a personal injury lawyer and protect your rights

I am motivated by the belief that when a client trusts me enough to hire me, it is my duty to help them. No matter what the circumstances are or what obstacles we may encounter along the way, I will work diligently to secure a successful outcome for you.
Personal injury cases can be challenging because unexpected issues may arise along the way. My job as your personal injury lawyer is to adapt, even when things are out of my control. I will take whatever the circumstances that are in front of me and maintain my original focus: advancing the interests of my client.
I have encountered difficult cases before. In one particular instance my client, an older woman, had been hit by a car. The insurance company tried everything and spared no expense to prevent a successful outcome. However, my dedication to my client and my persistence paid off. My client received an excellent settlement that compensated her for all of the physical trauma she experienced and justice prevailed.
It is very important to me to maintain that trust and confidence that clients have when they hire me. As a personal injury lawyer, my commitment to persevere over any stumbling blocks and to achieve favorable results for my clients, makes me an attorney that you can depend on to assure you and your future are protected.

"As your personal injury lawer, I will work relentlessly to protect your rights and pursue justice on your behalf "

What motivated me to become an attorney

For four years I volunteered with the Innocence Project. It was here that I learned that even if one decision maker says “no”, the story does not have to end there. I learned that the Powers That Be are not always right. And, when they are wrong, they can be really wrong and it can have devastating effects on individuals and their families.
I experienced this first hand when I worked on the Charles Palmer case. Despite a lack of DNA evidence and an unreliable witness testimony, Palmer was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. However, with incredibly hard work by attorneys and volunteers on his case, the Innocence Project was able to get the case against Palmer dismissed and Charles Palmer was freed in 2016
This increased my desire to become an attorney and ensure that the laws are upheld and that people’s rights are protected. Most importantly, it inspired me to be relentless in the pursuit of justice.
My experience with the Innocence Project not only increased my awareness of how the law can negatively affect people, it increased my passion to fight for those who most need help. It also made me keenly aware, that as a lawyer, I cannot be afraid to do whatever it takes in order to stand up for what is right. I will be a fierce negotiator, I will take a case to trial, and I will appeal decisions that are handed down. Whatever it takes, as your personal injury lawyer, I will make sure justice is done.

Other interesting things about me

In 2000, I founded Simply Smart Homes, which is a global distributor of container and modular homes. As CEO I continue to grow the company and we have become a leader in developing residential neighborhoods and commercial structures. I love the ability to use my business and creative sides and look forward to taking these projects to new heights.

I am also involved in the American Association for Justice. As a member of this organization, we work to ensure that everyone’s right to a trial by jury is upheld. We also strive to protect everyone’s right to pursue legal justice.

In addition, I am a member of the Turnaround Management Association, which is a professional community that works to save distressed businesses and help companies avoid pitfalls. The mission of this group is to strengthen the global economy.

"As a personal injury lawyer, I will do whatever it takes to stand up for what is right"

Career Highlights

  • Stang et al. v. Union For Reform Judaism et al. – Group libel case pending in US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
  • Goney et al. V. SuttonPark Capital LLC et al. – RICO case pending in the US District Court for the Southern District of NY
  • Johar v. BlueCross BlueShield of Nebraska et al. – tortious interference case pending in Supreme Court of New York
  • These are representative of my achievements throughout my legal career