
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Medical Malpractice in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

If you suspect that your loved one has been abused in a nursing home, it’s important to find an attorney that understands the role medical malpractice plays in these cases. The nursing home abuse lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois at Carlson Bier Associates will help you pursue justice.

Nursing home abuse is a difficult legal issue because it can often be a very complicated situation. If you’re looking for an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer who will help you understand if medical malpractice played a role in your loved one’s injuries or death, contact us today.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates

Nursing home abuse is a difficult legal issue

Nursing home abuse is a difficult legal issue. It can often be a very complicated situation if there is also medical malpractice. In addition to the physical and emotional trauma that your loved one suffered, there may be financial ramifications as well. For example, if your family member was injured in the nursing home and had to go through extensive medical treatment, then you might have incurred large medical bills that weren’t covered by Medicare or Medicaid.

In many cases where a patient has been abused in their nursing home setting, it’s important to find an attorney who understands how medical malpractice plays into these cases, like our nursing home abuse lawyer Arlington Heights. This way you will know whether or not you have grounds for filing suit against the negligent parties.

When medical malpractice happens in a nursing home

Medical malpractice is a form of negligence, which is defined as “the failure to exercise the degree of care that a reasonable person would have exercised under similar circumstances.” When it comes to nursing home abuse cases, this can mean anything from failing to adequately monitor your loved one or providing inadequate treatment for injuries sustained during an assault.

Medical malpractice can also happen in a nursing home when the facility or its staff engages in careless or incompetent conduct that results in harm to a resident. A nursing home facility is required to provide appropriate attention to a resident’s health issues. Examples of incidents of malpractice in a nursing home may include:

  • Medication and prescription errors, such as the incorrect dose or medication
  • Failing to provide prescribed medication
  • Ignoring a resident’s stated medical concerns, like when they complain about pain
  • Allowing a resident to develop bedsores
  • Failing to treat a condition or make a necessary referral

Medical malpractice can be a cause of injury or death in nursing home abuse cases. When that happens, you need an experienced and passionate nursing home abuse lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates

Our nursing home abuse lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois will conduct an investigation

Our attorney will conduct an investigation into the facts surrounding your loved one’s case. They will look at all of the evidence that supports or refutes your claim, including:

  • Medical records
  • Witness statements from family members and other staff members who may have knowledge of what happened to your loved one
  • Interviews with nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals who treated or evaluated them
  • Policies and procedures at the nursing home in question

In addition, we will investigate whether there were any violations of those policies. The lawyers at Carlson Bier have an in-depth understanding of Federal and State Laws as they pertain to nursing home care. Our nursing home abuse lawyer Arlington Heights Illinois will make sure they have the full story and can pursue justice for you.

Medical malpractice can play a role in nursing home abuse cases 

Medical malpractice can play a role in nursing home abuse cases because it could involve neglect or failure to properly diagnose or treat a patient. If you believe your loved one was injured or died because of medical malpractice, contact an attorney immediately so they can investigate further before time runs out on your case.

In some situations, medical malpractice can be used as a cause of action in a nursing home abuse case against the facility and its employees. If you suspect that your loved one has been abused or neglected in a nursing home, it’s important to find an attorney who understands this issue and knows how to build their case around it. Contact Carlson Bier Associates today for a consultation. 
