
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Bartlett Illinois | 4 signs of abuse

You trust that your loved one will receive the best possible care in their nursing home. When that trust is violated, you need a nursing home abuse lawyer in Bartlett Illinois. Carlson Bier is here to help. 312-622-2900.

Nursing home abuse can be hard to detect, especially if it’s not physical. But there are signs that you or a loved one is being mistreated or neglected by staff members at your nursing home. If you suspect that your loved one is being abused in a nursing home, here are five things to look out for.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer In Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates

1. Bruises, cuts, lacerations, and broken bones

The signs of nursing home abuse can be difficult to spot, but once you know what to look for, it’s easier to recognize the signs of abuse. Physical abuse is more common than we may thing and unfortunately the signs can be hidden. Watch for unexplained or unusual injuries like tooth loss, broken bones, missing hair, sprains, or joint dislocations. Also, watch for signs of marks on the person’s wrist, which may be an indication of physical restraint. Bruises, cuts, lacerations, and broken bones are another indicator of physical abuse. 

Nursing home staff may try to explain away these physical injuries. They may attribute them to their age, a fall, or something else that takes the focus off of the staff. If you suspect that someone is being abused at their facility, call the authorities and then contact Carlson Bier to discuss your case with a nursing home abuse lawyer in Bartlett Illinois. 

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer In Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates

2. Falls and other accidents

Falls and other accidents are a common cause of injury in nursing homes. Falls can be fatal, or cause serious injury that results in long-term disability. Falls are often preventable if the proper safety measures are taken. When safety protocols are not adhered to, this can be a sign of neglect and you may have a personal injury claim. If that is the case, contact our nursing home abuse lawyer in Bartlett Illinois today. 

Here are some common safety protocols you should look for in your family member’s nursing home to ensure they are being properly cared for. Make sure your loved one takes medications with meals, rather than on an empty stomach. This will reduce their chances of falling due to dizziness or lightheadedness caused by low blood sugar levels.

If your loved one has trouble with balance, make sure they have firm footing when walking around. There should be grab bars near showers/bathtubs and toilets so they don’t slip. Railings on staircases, long hallways, or leading outdoors should be present, so they don’t fall down.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer In Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates

3. Bedsores

What are bedsores? Bedsores, also known as pressure ulcers, are caused by prolonged pressure on the skin. Over time, this pressure damages tissue and can cause serious health problems. 

Bedsore victims are often residents who spend a significant amount of time in bed and don’t receive proper care or attention from their nursing home caregivers. If you see signs of bedsores in your loved one’s skin—such as discoloration or blisters—consult her doctor immediately to ensure that they’re treated before they turn into full-blown infections.

If you need to pursue legal action, contact our nursing home abuse lawyer in Bartlett Illinois at 312-622-2900. Our attorneys are experienced and have the passion to pursue justice for you.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer In Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates

4. Emotional abuse or neglect

Emotional abuse or neglect is even more difficult to spot because there may not be clear symptoms. It may consist of verbal abuse, threats and intimidation, withholding attention or affection, or controlling behavior such as monitoring phone calls. Some signs that your loved one is being abused include: 

  • sudden behavioral changes
  • changes in personality
  • frequent complaints about the nursing home staff
  • PTSD 
  • Increased anxiety or fear

If your loved one has suffered abuse in an Illinois nursing home, contact our nursing home abuse lawyer in Bartlett Illinois 

Nursing home abuse can be devastating for those who suffer from it. If your loved one has experienced any of these signs of abuse, contact the nursing home abuse lawyers in Bartlett Illinois at 312-622-2900. Our lawyers are ready to help you get justice and compensation for the abuse or neglect that your family member experienced.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer In Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Bartlett Illinois | Carlson Bier Associates